Marc is just craM spelled backwards!
Name: Marc Schaefgen
Instrument: Guitar, Vocals, Twiddly Bits
Chess piece: Knight
Captain: Crunch
Quote: “Don't get me started on the
Turn Ons: Women
Turn Offs: Women who talk
Marc “Knighty Knight” Schaefgen was betrothed
to the guitar at the dawn of the 80’s when skate punk
was king and all this crap he’s playing now was just
complete shite! But as time drew nigh, Knighty’s passion
for music grew and matured into other musical offerings such
as, jazz, funk, ska, reggae, blues, and most other music except
top 40 pop and country. Once he figured out that less is more,
and seventh chords aren’t necessarily better than a
triad, he was finally ready to play to the world again. When
asked, he was more than honored to take up a post as one of
the Captains. Marc serves milord as guitarist, vocalist and
smiter of all that is un-cool.
Name: Linda Law
Instrument: Bass, Vocals
Chess piece: Queen
Captain: Vegetable
Quote: “It’s
not rehearsal. It’s farming.”
Turn Ons: fine wine, dark chocolate, the Saturn V rocket, super colliders
Turn Offs: chimpanzees in clothes, reinstalling
Linda “Queen of Hearts” Law plays the bass for
one simple reason: the bass is sex. Go away. Don’t bother
the queen now. She’s busy playing. And without her,
the Captains of the Chess Team would be bottomless, and nobody
wants to see that. Or maybe you do! She hates to memorize
bass lines, preferring to just feel what she wants to play,
which means it was a very foolish thing for her to start a
band that requires her to learn bass lines.
Name: Scott Snyder
Instrument: Vocals, Guitar, Faire-speak
Chess Piece: King
Captain: Eo
Quote: “It's not my fault.
Those other nerds copied me.”
Turn Ons: Guitars, Vacuum Tubes, AD&D
3.5, Science Fiction Conventions
Turn Offs: Blue Screen of Death, Internet
Trolls, Light Switches
Captain W. Scott "King of Rock and Roll" Snyder has been singing and playing guitar since he was five years old, but all that practice hasn't really helped much. Scott has also been known to write a few songs, and the Captains will continue to do them as long as he can keep those photo negatives hidden.
When asked to join the Captains, he was honored to finally be a part of a group with this much rankness in it. |
Name: Howard Brown
Instrument: Drums, Scotch
Chess Piece: Rook
Captain: Spaulding
Quote: God said { \partial^2 p \over \partial x ^2 } - {1 \over c^2} { \partial^2 p \over \partial t ^2 } = 0 and there was music.
Turn Ons: Multipliers that saturate; Belvenie, Macallan, Dalwhinnie (the list goes on); Cute furry animals, particularly in a cheese sauce.
Turn Offs: Indeterminate interrupt latency, Phony people (e.g. inflatable, electro-mechanical), having to explaing the obvious to the oblivious.
In the beginning Howard would beat on anything with a head on it. He eventually settled on drums when his friends grew tired of the brain trauma. He helped to pay for college by playing both kinds of music(country and western). Since then he has played with a number of organizations that (deservedly) no one has ever heard of. He is ecstatic to joins the Captains, especially since he was once compared to Bobby Fisher "All of the insanity without any of the talent". |
Photos: Cary Tetrick, Patricia Pizer, Linda Law |
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